Why do I read bloglovin?
People frequently ask me why I read blogs. The simple answer is to learn.
The more complicated answer is I worked for 15 years as a teacher/librarian in public schools in Michigan. Teachers do not have the luxury of learning during their work day. We have children looking at us from the minute we walk through the door until the minute we leave. If you have the chance to eat lunch with adults and use the restroom twice, it's been a good day. We need to learn on our own time.
Librarians are technology leaders in schools. Technology is always changing and the only way to learn about new technology is to learn it from someone else. Blogs were the first place I found where I could learn about what was new in technology and then I found teachers that were blogging about how the new technologies could be integrated into teaching. Most of these blog posts were quick to read and gave me enough of an overview to know whether I needed to dig deeper to learn more. I was hooked!
I'm retired now and don't face the time constraints I have in the past. However, I still find blogging to be a great way to learn about sewing. First purses, and then garments and now quilting. I am able to take the expertise of others in the field who are scattered all over the world and learn how to sew better.
Honestly, some of the bloggers seem like friends. I have favorites that if they pop up I stop what I'm doing to check out what they have to say and they seldom disappoint.
At my recent quilt retreat, I had a couple of women look at me skeptically when I told them I stored my patterns in the cloud and only printed what was absolutely necessary. Then I told them about my blog feed. Most turned away but a couple of newer retirees and I talked a bit more about it. I think they'll be checking out blogs too.
I frequently tell people that after you've been locked in a building with teenagers for a decade or two you begin to appreciate adult contact....in any form! Blog on....
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