Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Sharing your passion...

Sharing your passion...

It's midwinter break time here in Michigan so the kids are off of school for a couple of days.  My 10 year old granddaughter and I had been talking about sewing at Christmas and she seemed interested.  So I snagged her after school friday night and we had ourselves a sewing retreat!

She started with a pillowcase for her bed.  Super easy straight sewing.  I showed her how to line up the raw edges with a mark on the machine but even I sometimes find that annoying because I'll find I've drifted over to a different mark if I don't pay close attention.  I put a piece of red masking tape on the 1/2 inch line and she lined up her fabric against that.  It made it much easier for her.  Then I just talked her through it.  

She learned how to use the iron (carefully!) and that the machine IS a machine and needs to be respected.  

She did fabulous.   Here's her third project....a funny pillow for her bed!

She was so proud of herself!  I was so proud of her, too!  I actually had to force her to stop because Grandma was getting tired.  

She told me that someday she'd like to have her own sewing room and make her living sewing..........
Sharing your passion....what could be better than that?

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